Good 2018 to you!

This new year brings in some extra-frigid weather and a curated black and white bundle for my sponsor Fabric Spark‘s Monthly Sparks fabric subscription. Combining some favorite white and cream backgrounds with great black accents was so rewarding. I feel like it screams at you to get creative!

Why did I choose a black and white bundle when the weather outside is causing enough grayness of it’s own? (There is a reason for my madness!)

I think a good black and white bundle is (as said above) a fun base for a creative sewing experience. And I really hope that everyone subscribing to this bundle thinks so too. There are so many directions you can go with it! I wholeheartedly agree with Fabric Spark’s written note – the bundle says:

It’s a great mix that you can use as is, or add a single colour to. Wouldn’t it be fun with yellow, or lime green. You can add a number of clear bright solids too, even the whole rainbow.

I’ve recently seen white a few quilts with low volume or gray-tone backgrounds and I’d love to do the same thing with a black and white bundle. Separating out the mostly-blacks and mostly-whites and creating blocks with bits of colours in the corners. (Like this one – except with the blocks of colour turned toward each other to create a square.)

I also love this plus quilt. Found while perusing #plusquilt (so addictive!) for ideas to use on one I recently made.  And this quilt by Johanna Masko is absolutely gorgeous! The dresden plates are set off perfectly in her low volume background.

I must admit I do have a bit selfish reason for the bundle as well. I’ve been saving up quite a few grays, black and whites and rainbow bundles from Fabric Spark to make some kind of rainbow quilt. I put them together this morning and *POUF* (See below!) perfect quilt. You know, for when I finish the other 5 quilts I’ve got half made… (problem? what problem?!)

You can get more bundles like this from Fabric Spark every month by signing up for one of their 4 fabric subscriptions. Check them (and a lovely set of curated fabric) out on the Fabric Spark website, or visit them in person at their shop in Toronto.