I am so pleased to feature another Maker today, my mom! I grew up crafting, and sewing was a natural extension of that. I am so grateful that my mom taught me how to sew, it has been such an amazing part of my life. The freedom to create and turn fabric into something usable is my favorite!

Recently my mom opened up an Etsy shop – Out of the Sewing Box – and even more recently she showed me the dolls she is making. Each one unique with a hand-painted face and handmade clothes. I thought it would be fun to show them to you – as a change from what I’m doing all of the time. I definitely am afraid to tackle these as a project – give me a bag or clothing pattern any day! Aren’t they great?!

Thanks so much for supporting my mom! It means the world to me. Your favorites and likes are so valued and appreciated. Please visit her at Out of the Sewing Box on Etsy or check out her Facebook page. (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!)

The girls talk most Monday evenings on Skype with my parents. (They live super far from us in Texas.) Lots of weeks my mom will show her latest creation to the girls and they will think up names for it together. So cute, and hilarious when you hear some of the names the girls come up with! My mom has puppets, some clothing items and even a book on How to Run a Blacklight Puppet Show for sale.

Another reason these dolls came up, is that my mom made each of the girls one of these 31 inch dolls for Christmas a few years ago. One of them is the doll my youngest is photographed with in the recent reversible pinafore tutorial. My girls have loved playing with them. They’ve acquired a huge wardrobe, because the dolls fit into store-bought baby clothes, even the little ones my daughters wore when they were babies. Crazy how big they have gotten!

I’m so fortunate to have a crafty family that loves to talk about whatever we happen to be making at the time! It’s especially exciting around Christmas, when we get to see what fun projects we’ve been working on. I happen to know what my mom has made for each of us (including the girls!) and they are going to make for some amazing Instagram photos on Christmas day. I can’t wait!

I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday season. And wish you more hours in the day to finish your last-minute sewing projects – especially if you tend to procrastinate like I do!

What’s up with you? How are your holiday projects coming along?