Alright. We are finishing up the Photo Album page tutorials with the second more feminine page option. If you’d like you can use the Photo Album unisex option as well. I love this page – it looks so cute with the little purse handle. I hope you like it too! Before you start, get the shopping list of Photo Album items for this page ready. (If you are just starting out and want more information, check out the Sew Along page.)

You will also need:

  • small safety pin & regular safety pin (for turning)
  • matching thread
  • glue stick or basting spray
  • washi tape or teflon foot for your machine (used to sew the vinyl)
  • your normal sewing gear, including a ruler, iron and removable fabric marker

Before we begin/Important Notes:

  • When you are sewing this book it is good to remember that some of the edges will be covered after the book is completed and sewn together. 1/2″ on the top edge of your page and 3/4″ on each side edge will not show in the final project.
  • Remember to use your iron liberally when you are sewing this book. It is going to be a work of art when you are done! Since it is thick and some of the pages will not be iron-able once you are finished with them it is advisable to take all of the care you can to remove wrinkles so they are not accidentally permanent in your final book.
Here We Go:
  1. Background Prep: (skip this step if you are using a one piece background(a) Lay your 3 background pieces together in the order you would like. Place the top piece on top of the middle piece right sides together. Stitch across the top of these pieces with a 1/4″ seam. Iron the seam open. Place the bottom piece right sides together with the middle piece. Stitch across the bottom of these pieces with a 1/4″ seam. Iron your seam open.See photo below for a front and back view of your finished background. (b) Press the 9″x9″ piece of medium fusible interfacing onto the back of your finished background following the manufacturer’s instructions. 
  2. Make the Purse: (a) Iron the purse pocket interfacing onto the back of your outer purse pocket. Press the top of each purse under by 1/4″. Pin purse outer and lining right sides together. (b) Stitch around the sides and bottom of the purse with a 1/4″ seam allowance, leave the top open. Trim the top corners and turn the purse right side out, press. 
  3. Make the Purse Handle: (a) Cut two (2) 1.5″ pieces of ribbon and fold them over the metal hoops. Cut 1 piece of ribbon 7.5″ long and use a glue stick and/or pins to align it to the top edge of the purse. Fold the excess over and glue/pin them to the top edge of the lining.  (b) Interface the wrong side of the handle. Place a safety pin at centre of one end. (c) Fold in half lengthwise. Stitch with a 1/4″ seam. Use the pin to turn the handle right-side out. Press the handle with the seam in the centre back of one side. Fold the ends of the handle to the wrong side by 1/4″ and pin/glue to hold. (d) Fold the ends of the handle over the metal hoops. Top-stitch to close the ends of the handle and hold them on the hoops.  
  4. Attach the Handle to the Purse: (a) Place the ribbon ends (attached to the hoops) between the lining and outer of the end of each side of the purse. Top-stitch around the purse ribbon’s edges to close the top of the purse and hold the handle on. Double-stitch over the area where the ribbons are attached to secure them well. 
  5. Finish the Purse: (a) Fold the end of an 8″ length of ribbon under 1/4″ at one end and pin it 2″ up from the bottom centre of the page. (b) Stitch the ribbon across the bottom. I used a zig-zag stitch. (c) Pin the purse over the ribbon in the centre of the page background – pin the top edges of the purse in towards the centre creating a more curved shape at the top edge of the purse – as in the photo. (d) Stitch the purse to the background close to each side and bottom edge, leaving the top open. 
  6. Finishing your page: Follow steps 4-7  in the Pocket Photo Album Page tutorial to make the album and attach it to the purse page.

You have just finished your third page! Congratulations! See you later this week with another tutorial. (P.S. Share your page using these ideas!)

** As usual: This tutorial is for personal or charitable use only. Please do not sell items made with the Quiet Book Sew Along posts. If you wish to sell these please contact for information on how to purchase a license. Thank you!