Oh my goodness everyone! I fell so far of track on this Sew Along and I have to say, it feels good to be posting these again. It weighs on me when I don’t do something I know I’m “supposed to” be finishing. Thank you so much for all of your kind comments in my state of the blog post. I’m so glad to know that you are all reading these – even if you’re not sewing along. I so appreciate all of you!
This page is a favorite with my kids. In fact, when I had both quiet books out together they have had phone conversations – each girl on a different “quiet book phone”. I should have gotten a photo! I’m happy that they even know it is a phone – amazingly, since phones do not generally look like this anymore. This page comes together fairly quickly and I will provide instructions and pattern pieces next time. (If you are just starting find all the information you need on this Sew-Along page.)
You will need:
- Background Fabric: 1 piece quilting cotton exactly 9″x9″ square
- Dial Pad: 1 piece white fabric for dial pad – aprox. 3″ wide by 4″ high
- Dial Pad Numbering: fabric markers OR inkjet transfer paper OR printable fabric (more on this below)
- Telephone Body and Receiver: 1 piece quilting cotton aprox. 10″ x 9″
- Fusible Web: 1 piece aprox. 9″ x 6″ for the telephone body (I love using Steam-A-Seam 2 Fusible Web from the Warm Company)
- Phone Cord: 1 curly shoelace (length as is, do not cut) OR 1 piece of ribbon (cut to aprox. 8″)
- Velcro: 1 1/4″ long piece of 3/4″ wide hooks and loops (match the loops to the reciever and the hooks to your background fabric)
- Stuffing/High Loft Batting: a handful of stuffing OR 1 piece of batting aprox. 7″ x 3″
- Ribbon: 3 1/2″ long for the side tab
- Page Interfacing: 1 piece exactly 9″x9″ square, medium weight fusible interfacing (you will have this from your Week 1 shopping list)
My dial pad was made using inkjet transfer paper (available from your office supply store). You could also draw it yourself with fabric markers, or use printable fabric. I was also contemplating making some different versions available on Spoonflower. An 8″ square printed swatch is only about $5 + shipping, so it would be a great inexpensive to get one of these if you don’t have the other options available to you. Please contact me (sherri@threadridinghood.com) if you like this option and I’ll figure it out.
And… we’re done for this week! Please check the Sew-Along page for a list of all the tutorials + ways you can share your book. As usual, please let me know if you have any questions: email sherri@threadridinghood.com or leave a comment.